Sustainability in brief: Andrea Costantini's point of view

Sustainability in brief: Andrea Costantini’s point of view.

The plan is ambitious, but feasible: reach the Carbon Neutrality by 2039, so achieve the zero CO2 emissions much earlier than the deadline of 2050 set by the European Commission.

In order to reach this goal, Agrati has started to move early: we began to work on this topic in 2019 by identifying a precise program that provides intermediate steps: the first milestone is set for 2025, just around the corner. By then, carbon dioxide emissions (related to internal processes and energy use) are to be reduced by 50%, and those associated with suppliers by 12%.

A project that not only concerns all our plants, but also has an important impact on the supply chain.
The environmental virtuous approach of companies has consequences for the entire supply chain. In the decarbonisation plan there is a second important milestone, the year 2030, when another important reduction is to be achieved: 60% for company CO2 and 18% for suppliers. At Agrati, we are fully aware of this because it is an aspect we have been addressing since 2017 when customers were already asking us to take the path set out by the 2015 Paris Treaty


Our group works for the major automotive brands. Ok, so why involve the entire supply chain?

We also want to lead our suppliers in that direction, as two thirds of Agrati’s emissions are made by them: this is a process that must involve everyone, without which even the smallest companies will have less and less future.

This is a theme that will be increasingly stressed, linked to reputation. If there is no meritocracy, however, sustainability cannot be achieved. This is why, for example, taxation will have to shift from profit to CO2, triggering virtuous investments. For us, the 2039 objective is realistic, but the real problem is the risk we run at a general level. We inevitably move towards this perspective, and we cannot avoid it, but incentives are needed to ensure that sustainability is not just a value expressed on paper, but is actually achieved This is why using tax levers to encourage the inevitability of the process can be a successful idea.

Sustainability has become a concept that applies to all aspects of a company’s activities, starting with the organisation of work and, therefore, attention to employees. This is why Agrati has adopted a sustainability report even though it is not required to do so, as the company is not listed on the stock exchange.


Sustainability, in conclusion, does not only means reducing emissions, even if in common opinion this last aspect is the one that mainly identifies the efforts related to this new development model. The plan that will bring Agrati to carbon neutrality by 2039 involves the purchase of fully renewable energy: investments in energy efficiency.